Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Here is Logan getting ready to play.
Wood Ranch Country Club.
Breamar Country Club, the picture is a little wierd because
my battery was dying.
Matt and I at La Costa.
La Costa 5th hole.


It has been a while since I last posted, I started school again on Monday so I have class on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday night so I will keep posting as often as possible.
I returned from California on Sunday night, I was down there with my brother Matt, we played the east course on friday morning at Breamar Country Club where Matt is the course superintendant. We then played at Wood Ranch Country Club on Friday afternoon. We played the west course at Breamar on Saturday morning, and then we played La Costa on Sunday.
Matt and Liz were wonderfull hosts and it was nice to get away for a couple of days even though I missed Raquel and Logan. Hera are some pictures from the trip so enjoy.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Roger Waters Preparation

I had dinner with some friends tonight, we are preparing for our trip to Las Vegas to see Roger Waters on June 16th. For those of you who don't know Roger Waters is one of the founding members of Pink Floyd (This may be as close to a Pink Floyd concert as we will ever get.) The second set of his show is supposed to be a complete replay of Dark Side of the Moon, we are all excited plus it is a good chance to hang out and go on a little road trip. Mothers day is this Sunday, I think that means that people will get to talk to James, hopefully somebody can talk some sense into the kid, fighting with drunk people in Zambia all day long is probably not the smartest thing to be doing.
Until Later

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Rainy Days and Mondays get me down

I know that I stole that line from some old CD that Dad would listen to, but, here it is Saturday morning and for once I don't have homework or class yet I am stuck writing on my blog instead of playing golf. I am hoping that it will clear up a little later on so I can at least hit some range balls. (I have to prepare myself for the golf marathon that Matt and I will be participating in this coming weekend.) Matt and I are planning on playing 108 holes of golf in about a 72 hour period. This is what I call a true vacation. (Thanks Matt for setting up all of the golf.) Hope that everyone is doing well, and for all of those adoring fans (a.k.a My Sisters) I will have some pictures from the trip next week.