Wednesday, May 16, 2007


It has been a while since I last posted, I started school again on Monday so I have class on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday night so I will keep posting as often as possible.
I returned from California on Sunday night, I was down there with my brother Matt, we played the east course on friday morning at Breamar Country Club where Matt is the course superintendant. We then played at Wood Ranch Country Club on Friday afternoon. We played the west course at Breamar on Saturday morning, and then we played La Costa on Sunday.
Matt and Liz were wonderfull hosts and it was nice to get away for a couple of days even though I missed Raquel and Logan. Hera are some pictures from the trip so enjoy.


Kirsten said...

Good luck with the new classes. good to hear the trip went well and you didn't pass out from golf overdose

Jess said...

You and Matt look like yuppies in your golf outfits, but very cute yuppies. Good luck with school. I hope to see you soon.