Sunday, January 13, 2008

Post Christmas Pictures

Here are some pictures of Logan with his aunt and uncle Matt and Liz and aslo some with his aunt's Jesse and Kirsten. Sorry it took so long for me to post these,but, school started this week so things have been pretty busy.


Elizabeth said...

are you still working on the concept of "stones" with Logan? We dont want all that hard work to go to waste :)

Kirsten said...

Logan has some pretty hot aunts! Must be hard having that much beauty in the family.

Jess said...

glad to see that I am finally represented on this blog. I bet your hits triple just from posting my pic:)

Jess said...

update your blog:)

Christen said...

ok Christmas was months ago...We need a new blog Adam!

Katie Smith - I Want to be a Super Teacher said...

Congrats on your impending (at least we think it's impending) graduation. As an upcoming blog request: We would like to see a picture of you in the fancy hoodie-gown. I can't wait until Jesse gets a hold of one of those.

Hannah Jones said...

ok dude. Time for an update.
Lee says "sup".
Congrats on graduation. Lucky you skipped out after getting your diploma! You're smart! We sat through it ALL.

Katie Smith - I Want to be a Super Teacher said...

Science and Nudity. If there's a more winning combination, I haven't heard of it. You're on!