Saturday, October 25, 2008


I am sure that many people will now begin to check Logan and I's blog more often because of the recent family changes that have happened. I will try to update this more frequently with our adventures so that everyone can keep up to date on all of our happenings.
I also want to thank all of those who have been supportive of Raquel and I through our recent family changes, we both understand that many of our family and friends will never understand why we made the decision that we have made. The only thing that we can ask at this point is that you trust both of us when we say that we put forth the best effort possible to make things work, but that sometimes people are meant to just be friends. Raquel and I are great friends and always will be, we will always be attached through our beautiful son Logan, who is the light of our lives.
For all of you who would like to check out Raquel and Logan's new blog here is the link. ( I strongly suggest that if you want to see some beautiful pictures of a beautiful mother with her beautiful son you go check it out.)
Peace out,


Raquel said...

LOL you are sweet hun. Thanks! I am the cuter parent aren't I?! KIDDING! We'll be taking your shots soon....

Katie Smith - I Want to be a Super Teacher said...

Jesse and I are very happy that you committed to update this blog more often. As much as we enjoy seeing last year's Allen Family Christmas pictures, we're sure you're doing many exciting things and not documenting them on the blog. We will never stop pressuring you to come visit. We know all the good restaurants and want to share them with someone who will appreciate it. Any time we find out about a good concert you'll be getting an e-mail from the Smiths. :)

Seth Ollerton said...

We hope all is well and it sounds like you both have are doing well. We love both of you and wish you the best.