Sunday, November 9, 2008

All Hallow's Eve 2008

I moved into a new place last weekend and only recently got the internet attached in my new place so this is a little outdated. On Halloween Logan was going to hang out with his cousins at night so Dad, Chris and I took him to Thanksgiving Point to enjoy the last day of activities at Cornbelly's. Here are some pictures that show just how much fun was had by all! Thanks Dad & Chris for hanging out with us. Oh yea, Logan was a shark for Halloween as witnessed in the pictures. One disclaimer that should accompany this and all future posts is that I am not a professional photographer like Logan's mom so do not expect similar quality of pictures.


Elizabeth said...

Estan preciosas las fotografías se ve perfectamente, que disfurtaron de gran forma el Halloween

Kirsten said...

I love that he is just staring at the remote in the second to last picture, pondering how he will pick it up with only his fins.

Seth Ollerton said...

Your photos look just fine Adam. Looks like you had a good Hallow's Eve too. Where's your new place?

Katie Smith - I Want to be a Super Teacher said...

Updating your blog in a timely fashion -- impressive. Adding pics too -- very impressive! Keep it up.

Katie Smith - I Want to be a Super Teacher said...

Is that your dad wearing Logan's shark hat? Classic!

Jess said...

How did he decide to be a shark? When I was that age the first costume that came to mind was not a shark.

Raquel said...

YAY You got pictures of him in his costume...I wasn't so lucky. I think David wearing the costume is the best!

Jessie, at that age you don't really have a choice in what you wear (specially with me when kids pick out the dorkiest things sometimes)...but we just figured he loves sharks. LOL

Raquel said...

I saved all of these Adam so cute! They made me laugh specially the pig with his hand sticking out...that little child of ours! LOL